Adolescent Smoking Consequences Questionnaire

Lewis-Esquerre, Rodriguez, & Kahler (in press)

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Brief Description: The ASCQ is a 30-item instrument used to assess outcome expectancies of cigarette smoking among adolescents. Item response options are on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from "never" to "always". Confirmatory factor analyses indicated good model fit for a seven latent factor model. The factors are negative affect reduction, taste/sensorimotor manipulation, social facilitation, weight control, negative physical feelings, boredom reduction, and negative social impression. This instrument was adapted from the original Smoking Consequences Questionnaire (Brandon & Baker, 1991*), and most items are identical in content to the SCQ items.
Target Population: Adolescent smokers and non-smokers. Psychometric data are based on 7th to 12th grade students, ages 11-19.
Administrative Issues: Brief, self-administered paper and pencil measure. Can be administered in approximately 15 minutes.
Scoring Information: Sum items within each subscale:
Negative Affect Reduction: 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 20, 21, 25
Taste/Sensorimotor Manipulation: 1, 15
Social Facilitation: 8, 17, 19, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30
Weight Control: 2, 9, 10, 13, 23
Negative Physical Feelings: 5, 11, 16
Boredom Reduction: 14, 24
Negative Social Impression: 18, 27
Psychometrics: Reliability:
  • Internal consistency estimates (coefficient alpha)
    Negative Affect Reduction: 0.88
    Taste/Sensorimotor Manipulation: 0.78
    Social Facilitation: 0.77
    Weight Control: 0.79
    Negative Physical Feelings: 0.66
    Boredom Reduction: 0.63
    Negative Social Impression: 0.56

    Test-Retest Reliability (four weeks):
    Negative Affect Reduction: 0.72
    Taste/Sensorimotor Manipulation: 0.70
    Social Facilitation: 0.72
    Weight Control: 0.67
    Negative Physical Feelings: 0.44
    Boredom Reduction: 0.49
    Negative Social Impression: 0.62
Subscales are associated with current smoking and intent to smoke in the future.
Clinical Utility of Instrument: This instrument can assist providers of smoking cessation and prevention programs in identifying specific smoking expectancies held by adolescent participants. Smoking expectancies can be targeted in treatment so as to reduce the risk of relapse and risk of smoking initiation.
Research Applicability: This instrument can be used to assess potential moderating/mediating variables, and as an outcome measure. Further research is needed to determine the role of smoking outcome expectancies in smoking behavior such as relapse risk among adolescents.
Copyright, Cost, and Source Issues: None.
Source Reference: Lewis-Esquerre, J., Rodrigue, J.R., & Kahler, C.W. (in press). Development and validation of an adolescent smoking expectancy measure. Nicotine & Tobacco Research.
Supporting References: None.
Author: Johanna M. Lewis-Esquerre, Ph.D.
Contact Information: Brown University
Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies
Box G-BH
Providence, RI 02912
  * Brandon, T.H., & Baker, T.B. (1991). The smoking consequences questionnaire: The subjective expected utility of smoking in college students. Psychological Assessment, 3(3), 484-491.
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